We value our trusted community partners

Collaborative care can make all the difference. We are all working to help you live your best life.  Please consider visiting our neighborhood partners.

Jessica Adkins


Dr Adkins was born and raised in Thousand Oaks.  She attended medical school at the University of California, San Francisco. She then went on to internship and residency at University of California, Los Angeles where she trained in both the “old hospital” and at Ronald Reagan. She is fellowship trained in Pulmonary/Critical Care.

Prior to venturing into private practice, Dr. Adkins worked as a Hospitalist for many years.  She is currently on Medical Staff at Los Robles Hospital. Her special interests include chronic illnesses and end of life care.  She is also involved in residency teaching.

In her spare time Dr Adkins enjoys CrossFit, serving the community with Lighthouse Church, and spending time with her young son.

Phone: (805) 908-8100

Fax: (805) 371-4713

All of FIT4MOM's fitness classes and wellness programs were created to provide Strength in Motherhood®. Find the class for you.


Contact Us

Rise Pacific Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine


501 Marin St. #205

Thousand Oaks, CA



Phone: +1 818-318-2430

Fax: +1 877-287-1195


New Patients

We provide the highest quality physical therapy. Contact us for more information.

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501 Marin St. #205, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Phone: +1 818-318-2430 Fax: +1 877-287-1195

